Sensible Sustainable Solutions
Sensible Sustainable Solutions

Recently I released a white paper I call “Sensible Sustainable Solutions” – a collection of all I have learnt about building sustainable hotels in the past 30 years. With every new hotel project at BENSLEY, we receive a set of hotel standards to integrate. Over time I realised that few of these incorporate meaningful changes to make hotel operations more sustainable. This led me to put together SSS, as a set of standards which can be slotted into any hotel companies’ existing standards. In this way hotel operators, owners, architects and designers have a guide on what to do to integrate sustainability and hopefully, make the world a better place through good design.
I hope that this can become a collaborative document which is contributed to by other designers, hoteliers and hotel owners – an open source piece which anyone can benefit from. It is a process we have already begun and I am speaking with other designers to add in their marvellous ideas. We can do so much more by working together.
A note to readers from me to you:
A letter to Architects and Designers
A letter to Hoteliers and Owners

And of course, my White Paper: Sensible Sustainable Solutions
For avid readers – Sensible Sustainable Solutions – Unabridged Version
Dear Chinese readers, please click here for SSS in Chinese:
Sensible Sustainable Solutions – Chinese